We work at the long end of the tail. This site shows examples of what we can accomplish.
Our goal is to be available to people that want to expand into new areas. We’ll try to be open for easy questions.
We want to share what we have at a price you’ll appreciate.
That being said, we are NOT interested in fielding an avalanche of queries. Hit us on Twitter using @H2R_Buck and we’ll get back to you.
First Come, First Served.
If you want serious attention, buy a book, leave a comment on Amazon with the hashtag and we’ll try to track you down.
Obviously, by all appearances here, the major focus of our effort is outside the scope of this site.
We were just granted a United States patent (9963318) and we’re implementing the Robot:Construction interface as envisioned in “Walden Shock” as you read this.
If you find the dreams in “Walden Shock” to be credible you can assist by hitting our Patreon account. We will bring the future at you faster with your help!